This is a collection of works I am currently preparing for my upcoming exhibition which opens on the 1st July. Due to my limited time in Singapore (Easter cum school holiday), I have been making daily trips to Tiong Bahru to draw and sketch on location. I am kind of intoxicated now with the estate. A good thing though. I have a new understanding of this charming place. Now I can stand back and see a distinct 3 phases of recording through my sketches. Started with the routine sketches to collaging found objects at the site to sketching the future of this place. A-ha.... i see it now...Stay tuned for more to come....
My faithful sketching partners for this exhibition. Miel is missing from the picture.
This was done at home based on a photograph I took last Saturday at Tai O. I must also thank Bettyfromtexas for the suggestion to turn the photograph into a sketch.
I would like to share an interesting place I visited 2 weekends ago here in HongKong. You may find some similarities with houses from other parts of southeast asia.
Despite a nearly 90mins train, ferry and bus journey to get to Tai O, I had a great time exploring the old fishing village. Verifiable human settlement history here is about three centuries old. It is amazing to still see houses on stilts and built on the river. They are mostly built out of thin sheets of metal and wood, materials relatively cheap and light. Some of the villagers are still actively fishing and selling different kinds of dried seafood to visiting tourists. I will definitely go back again for more sketching.