Three artists' works from were selected and transposed onto the New Cover Art Collection. Moleskine fans from around the world can scan and upload the designs they create on their Moleskine notebooks, and share them with the entire community.
This old man who sells different kind of eggs at the local market near my apartment was delighted when I was drawing him. He came over several times to his compliments and spoke to me like a grandfather. I shall make him alittle souvenir with this sketch.
My 2 sketches done in HK has just been selected by Moleskine to appear on their special Art Journal cover. Really a big surprise for me. This new moleskine has been scheduled to be on the shelves come July. So lookout for them ya!
The last 4 days here in Siem Reap Cambodia has been just awesome. Often I feel like Indiana Jones when I am temple exploring and temple hopping. There are so much to see and sketch. Every turn you see a 1000 year old architecture filled with intricate carvings. More updates to come when I fly to Phnom Penh tomorrow. Oh before I forget, let me wish all my friends a veryHAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!